xcall ACCEPT, key {,xlt}
xcall ACCEPN, key {,xlt}
ACCEPT.SBR is an enhanced version of the AlphaBASIC subroutine of the same name which inputs a single character from the keyboard. One of the enhancements is that the key parameter, in addition to the normal floating point type, can also be a one byte string. Two additional enhancements relate to the optional xlt parameter, which must be of type String. If you pass it as a three-character string, such as "IFX", then the routine will translate any input sequences using the function key translation table DSK0:<tdvname>.<XLT string>[7,0]. For example if xlt is "IFX" and the current terminal driver is "AM62A", then it would use DSK0:AM62A.IFX[7,0]. If you pass xlt as a null string, then there will be no function key translations, but it will still use the "cooked" input routine, which operates at a higher level than the "raw" routine used when xlt is not specified at all. The "cooked" routine, for example, will return characters left over from prior function key translations. In no case, though, will ACCEPT (or ACCEPN) return input from a command file.
ACCEPN.SBR is the same as ACCEPT.SBR, except that it does not echo the character input. ACCEPT will echo the character, unless it is an unprintable character.
2009 September, 5.1.1159: Changed to support returning data into dynamic variables, such that they expand as needed. Previously, the output data was being truncated to the current size of the variable, or 0 for uninitialized.