Adding MLIST Elements

New elements may be added to the front or back of a list using array assignment syntax equivalent to that used for the ORDMAP collection, except instead of string keys, you must use one of the special dot-variable pseudo keys:

$m(.PUSHFRONT) = X     ! add new element to front; assign value X

$m(.PUSHBACK) = X      ! add new element at back; assign value x


You may also insert an element into the middle of the list using the special dot-function .BEFORE($$i). In the following example, we scan the list until locating an element whose value is "something", and then insert a new element before it:

foreach $$i in $m()

    if $$i = "something" then

        $m(.BEFORE($$i)) = x    ! insert new element before $$i position



next $$i


Modifying existing elements uses the same syntax as adding or inserting new elements, except with a different set of dot variables and dot functions:

$m(.FRONT) = y         ! change value of first element to y

$m(.BACK) = y          ! change value of last element to y


To update the value of an element by iterator, you must use the special dot function .REF($$i) to return to updateable reference to the iterator (since $$i by itself is a read-only copy of the value of the element).

foreach $$i in $m()

    $m(.REF($$i)) = $$i + "y"  ! update value of each element

next $$i