Application-editable only

Updated April 2012

cformat switch:  U

This designation may be added to an editable text column (type E, Column contains editable text) to cause the column to only be updatable by the application. In other words, this will make the column editable but not-editable. Possible reasons for using this format type include:

• You want to update the field when re-entering the tree with XTROP_REPLACE. (Only cells associated with the answer array are updated when re-entering with XTROP_REPLACE, and only editable cells are in the answer array.) The alternative would be to use XTROP_REPLACE when re-entering the tree, in which case all of the data cells can be updated, but the operation is less efficient.

• You want to use the same variable for both the answer and data arrays. (This requires that all fields be "editable".)


2012 April, A-Shell 6.0.1247:  Adding cformat code U (application-editable only) to a checkbox (T or t) or radio button (R or r) now has the expected effect, i.e. the same effect as on regular text cells. That is, the checkbox/radio button becomes disabled to the user, but gets updated by the answer array.