Updated September 2011; see History

ASTAT {switches}

ASTAT displays a dynamically updated list of jobs currently running along with the current program name. The list is formatted into two columns to fit more jobs on the screen, making it useful on large systems. You may condense the list further by putting the names of programs that are not of interest in the file BAS:IGNORE.PRG (one per line). Thus, if you want to quickly size up if it is safe to do a shutdown or backup, you may want to list those programs that are safe to interrupt (such as the main menu, application logon, etc.). so that only the jobs which are doing something worthy of attention will be shown.




(#=1-9) Sets the sleep interval (time between screen updates) in seconds. The default is one second. Note that the shorter the interval, the more load this program will place on the system, particularly on a large system.


Causes the console or tty name to be displayed for each job instead of the user name.


Sorts the entries by job name.


Sorts the entries by user name.


Sorts the entries by program name.

/?, /H

Writes switch listing and usage info to the screen.


ASTAT was actually developed and then contributed to the A-Shell community by Carl Staff of Diversified Data Systems. Thanks, Carl!


2011 September, A-Shell 5.1.1235:  Add support for new job table layout and ten character program name.