Background Fill Color

When lines of text are output to the screen, if the leading is non-zero, there will be space between the lines that is not filled in by the background color associated with that PRINT statement. This is generally not a problem if your application doesn’t use reverse video or different text background colors for more than one line at a time, but if so, you may need to adjust the Background Fill Color option. The choices are:

• A fixed background color # (0-15): This is the simplest and cleanest, but requires that your application stick with a fixed background color and doesn’t create multi-row blocks of highlighted text using reverse video or a different background color.

• Automatic fill (-1): In this case, the space below each line of text output is filled with the background color of the text. The left and right margins of the screen are filled with the background color which seems to be most predominate on the screen.

• Passive fill (-2): The space below each line of text output is left alone, only being updated during screen clearing operations, such as TAB(-1,0) or TAB(-1,10).