Updated October 2009

This option causes A-Shell to pre-fill random files with a repeating pattern of close square brackets "]]]]]]]]]]]]]..." when they are allocated.


2009 October, A-Shell 5.1.1163:  BRKALC outputs all and only brackets to the file. Previously, it output "MIAME" after every 27 brackets. This was useful in some cases for visually confirming that the file was allocated by A-Shell, but undermined one of the purposes of filling a new file with brackets (to make unwritten records sort to the end).

The old documentation said: "This option causes A-Shell to pre-fill random files with a repeating pattern of close square brackets "]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]MIAME" when then are allocated. In the early days of A-Shell this was the default, but it is not necessary for AMOS compatibility and slows down (slightly) the process of allocating a new file, so it is now available only by setting this option."