Buffer Name

b <buffer file name>

The -b switch allows you name the screen picture buffer file something other than the default of <jobname>.BUF. Specify the buffer file name in AMOS format. The default extension is BUF, and the default directory is MEM0:[1,1] (if it exists) or else the current directory.

The screen picture buffer file is used for storing screen snapshots, which can be generated via one of the following methods:

The Ctrl+P command pops up a dialog which gives you the option of displaying the current screen buffer (which may contain several screen snapshots appended together), the option of which printer (if any) to print it to, and the option to clear the current screen buffer contents after printing. Accumulating many snapshots in a single screen buffer file may be useful for auditing or documentation purposes, or even as a way of allowing the user to refer back to prior screen in a multi-screen process.

The INFLD TYPE code |S will automatically take a screen snapshot on exit from the field (without asking any questions.) This can also be useful for auditing or documentation purposes (but will quickly create a very large screen buffer file.) You can add this globally using the SBR=INFDEF parameter in the miame.ini, although it may be more convenient to use the –ba or –bc command line switches instead of –b (see next).