Cpos, Cwidth

These parameters define the starting position and width of the column relative to the input source (whether array or file). The first position is 1. If you are defining the columns consecutively (in the same order as the input, then you can specify 0 for cpos in which case it will assume that the column starts immediately after the end of the previous column. For comma-delimited file input, set cwidth to 0 and cpos to the field number.

For CSV input, cpos and cwidth just need to be greater than zero; see XTF2_CSV for additional details.

You may set both cpos and cwidth to 0 to define a pseudo-column, which does not count in the column numbering scheme, nor take up any display space in the control, but may instead be used to define advanced options that are not column specific or which may need to be defined in order to be referenced later. This may be referred to elsewhere as Pseudo Column Zero." See the column options PopupMenu, HdrFont, HdrScale, Font, RGBfg and Scale for examples.

Note that although the ctitle and cformat parameters are ignored for the pseudo column zero, they must contain something because two adjacent tildes mark the end of the column definition. By convention, specify a title of "X" and a format code of "H" (hidden), e.g. coldef = "0~0~X~H~..."

See Also

Constant Data Column