Added January 2013
where ### is the decimal value of the ANSI (8-bit) character to use.
This option is used to define an alternate currency symbol to replace the $ in a mask (e.g. Mask=$###,###.##).
As with many other advanced coldef options, if associated with the zero column, it becomes the default; else it only affects the specified column. So you could have Dollars in one column, Euros in another, and Pounds in a third. The most likely options would be:
CurSym=128 ! Euro symbol
CurSym=163 ! Pound symbol
Note: ANSI character sets vary in support for some of the currency symbols. It is left to you to make sure that the value specified displays as desired in the font you are using.
There are two complications here. One is that we are using the ASCII version of the XTREE control. (To really support non-ASCII characters, we should switch to the UNICODE version, which we may do at some point. For now, this is a workaround.) The other is that there is no way for us to be sure whether all existing XTREE masks which include the $ symbol really want to indicate dollar or the local currency. So rather than make it automatically default to the local currency, we opted to eliminate the possibility of breaking an existing application (and thereby forcing anyone who wants non-$ currency to add a new clause to their coldef.) A side benefit of this approach is that it allows you to have different currency symbols in different columns or trees at the same time.
2013 January, A-Shell 6.1.1330: Added to A-Shell