j <jobname base>
The -j jobname switch forces A-Shell to use the specified job name (assuming it is available.) When passed to PolyShell, it works similarly except that PolyShell appends a numeric digit to the end to distinguish each of the child instances from each other. For example, psh -j fred will generate child instances with job names of FRED1, FRED2, etc. Otherwise, the generated job names will be of the form PSHxxx. (See the discussion of the TRMDEF statements in the miame.ini file for information on another way to force the use of predefined jobnames.)
The –j switch understands the special macro \$USER, interpreting it as the login user name. The preceding backslash is required to prevent the shell from pre-processing the $USER macro before PolyShell sees it. (Typically, shells interpret $USER to be the effective user name, not the login user name.)