Delete Key

Added October 2008

This function deletes a registry key. It was was added to A-Shell in build 1127 of 12 October 2008.

xcall MIAMEX, MX_REGISTRY, REGOP_DELKEY, hkey, subkey, rights, status

hkey  (B,4)  [in]

must specify an open registry handle returned from a previous REGOP_OPEN operation (or may be one of the built-in hive handles, e.g., HKEY_CURRENT_USER, etc.) Note that to delete a key, the the RGKEY_DELETE (&h00010000) access right must have been specified in the REGOP_OPEN call. To delete a value, the RGKEY_SET_VALUE access right must have been specified in the open.

subkey  (String)  [in]

specifies the key to delete (within HKEY). All values within the key will be deleted, but if there are any nested subkeys, the operation will fail. To delete a multi-level tree, you must start from the lowest level and work up.

rights  (Num)  [in]

only applies when running in 64 bit Windows, in which case it can be used to select the registry view:

RGKEY_WOW64_32KEY   &h0200   Delete key from 32 bit registry view

RGKEY_WOW64_64KEY   &h0100   Delete key from 64 bit registry view


status  (F,6)  [out]

returns 0 for success, else an error code.