Disk is full; what can I erase?

The first file to check is OPR:SPOOL.LOG), which contains a log of every print request made (since the file was last erased) and which can grow rather large rather quickly on systems that do a lot of spooling. You should arrange for a daily or weekly procedure to erase that file. (As of the 4.7 release, the SPOOL.LOG file will be automatically archived when it reaches 3MB. Up to 4 archived copies – SPOOL.001 thru SPOOL.004 will be kept, with the oldest erased to make room for the newest.) Another A-Shell log file which can be erased (assuming of course that you don’t care about the contents) is ashlog.log which will be found (assuming it exists) in the same directory where miame.ini resides. (This location may be overridden by the LOGDIR statement in the miame.ini file.) (It also gets archived up to 4 times as just described for SPOOL.LOG. Beyond that, obviously you need to look at the temporary files created by your application. If you are running under UNIX or Linux, you can get a quick overview of how full the filesystems are with the df –v command (e.g. .HOST df –v), although SYSTAT will also show how many blocks are available in the filesystems used by your logical devices. (Note that running out of disk space in the root filesystem of a UNIX machine is something you want to avoid at all cost, thus it is very wise to put your application in a separate filesystem so that at least it will never cause the OS to crash just because your program goes crazy producing output.) If df –v indicates a full filesystem but you can’t figure out which files are responsible, try using the UNIX du utility to list the size of each directory. (Since there are many, you may want to pipe that to a file and then sort it so you can narrow down your search.)