dlgid (numeric, in, optional) adds a menu to the dialog. Note that:
• For dialogs using MBF_ALTPOS, the dialog height will be increased by the height of the menu (so as to leave the amount of usable space within the dialog unchanged. Otherwise (in the non MBF_ALTPOS case), the dialog height will remain fixed, but the addition of the menu will take away from the usable space within the dialog. In either case, any controls currently within the dialog will be shifted down by the height of the menu.
• It is not possible to delete the menu, once added. (In general, you would probably just delete the dialog.)
• The dialog display does not get automatically refreshed to show the newly added menu. To force this to happen after you have added all of your menu items, use AUI_MENU with opcode MNUOP_DSP:
xcall AUI, AUI_MENU, MNUOP_DSP, 0, "", 0, 0, "", "", mstatus, dlgid