Edit Control (INFLD)

An edit control is a rectangle in which text may be edited. Most commonly they are used to input just a single field, limited to one line of text and a certain number of characters. Although it is possible to use the AUI CONTROL class to create an edit box (using the winclass parameter), as a practical matter, edit boxes are handled by INFLD, which takes care of the details of creating and managing the edit control and providing a single interface to the application which works in both text and GUI modes; see INFLD's type table of GUI-related Codes. For convenience, the GUI-related TYPE codes are excerpted here. For information about other INFLD control types, see Groupbox + MBF_ALTPOS, Checkbox Alignment, Justification, Date Picker Control (INFLD), Time Picker Control (INFLD), Combo Box Control (INFLD) and Up/Down Control (INFLD).

INFLD supports several TYPE codes which activate various graphic user interface features within the A-Shell/Windows (or ATE) version of INFLD.

When in GUI mode, INFLD typically assumes the form of a Windows edit control when editing, and a static text control (with sunken edges) when not currently being edited. For date and time fields, a date or time "picker" (e.g. calendar /clock) control may be used, and for fields with certain kinds of SETDEF lists, a combo box may be used. See the INFLD GUI-related Codes for more details.


The height of an INFLD control is normally a single row, except for the Multi-line Edit Control (INFLD), but the precise calculation of that row height depends on some factors which bear explaining. Mostly these involve options set in the Miscellaneous Settings  and Dialog Sizing dialogs, or alternatively via the MX_WINSETTINGS function. If the Force edit box height to match combo|topic=Force Edit Boxes to Match Combo Height option is set, then A-Shell will determine the height of a standard combo box (see next paragraph) and use that for the edit box. Otherwise, the raw row height is based on the grid for the main window or dialog; see Dialog Grid Units. Then if the Allow Edit Boxes to Use Leading Space|topic=Allow Edit Boxes to Use Leading Space option is not checked, the External Font Leading will be subtracted from the height.

Unlike the edit box whose height is independent of the font, the height of combo box is determined by the height of the font associated with it. To avoid this difference resulting in differing heights for your standard edit and combo box controls, you can use the Force edit box height to match combo Height option to force the height of edit boxes to match the height of combo boxes. The combo box reference height is determined initially based on the default font for the window. However, as of 6.1.1380.0, the reference height is updated whenever an actual combo box is created. This provides the possibility of a workaround for a problem in which the font or scale characteristics of the actual combo boxes in use do not match the default font and scale. To completely take advantage of the feature, if you are using a different font or scale for your combo boxes than for your edit boxes, you should create one of the combo boxes (or a dummy, if necessary) before creating the edit boxes. This will ensure that the combo and edit box heights match.