Added July 2014
Print Screen includes the ability to email a copy of the ashlog.log (or other log file) along with the screen capture. The feature is active by default, provided that the ashlog.log file is in /vm/miame/ashlog.log (on the ATE server) or %miame%\ashlog.log (for local Windows). In the case of ATE, the print screen utility will attempt to FTP the ashlog.log file from the server.
If your ashlog.log file does not match the default location, you must add the following item to your BAS:APRNTSCRN.CFG file to enable/configure it:
EmailLog=<log spec>
where <log spec is the fully qualified file spec for the log file (on the server for ATE, or local for local Windows). Note that this doesn't have to be ashlog.log - you could use this feature for your own application log file.
To disable the feature set the <logspec> to blank.
Note that since the aprntscrn.cfg file exists on every client PC, updating it requires either transmitting entire new copies to each PC (perhaps with ATSYNC), or you can update just that one field using:
? TAB(-10,AG_XFUNC2);"INIX,BAS:APRNTSCRN.CFG,1,OUTPUT,EmailLog,";logspec$;chr(27);
2014 July, A-Shell 1387: Feature added to A-Shell