EMAILX Adminicetera


The requirements for using EMAILX are as follows:

  The minimum supported version of A-Shell is 5.0. EMAILX may work with later versions of 4.9 but this is not guaranteed. If you must use A-Shell 4.9, stick with EMAILX.SBX edit 112 or prior. For SSL/TSL and STARTTLS, the minimum A-Shell version is 5.1.1180.

  You must have an SMTP server which is within "routing distance." That is, we need to be able to open a socket connection to your SMTP server. The SMTP server may be on the same machine as A-Shell, or on the local network, or at your ISP connected via a full-time or dial-up connection. Wherever it is, it must accept mail from you. Note that some SMTP servers may have filters to protect "unauthorized users".

  EMAILX supports just two methods of SMTP authentication, known as "AUTH PLAIN" and as "AUTH LOGIN". You can also use an SMTP server which does not require authentication at all.

  For secure connections (see SECURE), EMAILX requires the LIBASHTLS library to be installed along with the A-Shell executable. LIBASHTLS in turn requires the GNUTLS package. This is typically pre-installed or available via yum for Linux. For Windows, it is available as a set of DLLs; contact MicroSabio for assistance. LIBASHTLS is not currently available for AIX.



EMAILX is not included in the general release of A-Shell and A-Shell-related software. It is, instead, an add-on option which is purchased and licensed separately. For additional information on pricing, licensing and purchasing, contact MicroSabio or see the A-Shell price list.

Like all external subroutines (SBXes), EMAILX is written in BASIC. Source code is included with the license.






Dec 2014

Adjust MIME attachment headers problem. Existing header format wasn't working with certain SMTP servers.


Dec 2014

Fix glitch failing to detect auth method due to slight format variations between servers. Fix redundant EHLO with using TLS/SSL (but not STARTTLS) mode (most servers ignore the redundant EHLO but some were aborting on it.)


May 2014

Support auto-decryption of mode 3 passwords introduced in 6.1.1385. When generating the password, use the SMTP user name as the seed.


Oct 2013

Add EMF_NOAUTOHDR to disable unnecessary headers; useful for SMS messages.


June 2013

Return message for EMS_BADCFG error in ERRMSG param.


June 2013

Add CONNLOCK=1 option to CFG file to lock connection. Also add enhancements to log file.


July 2012

Upgrade STARTTLS protocol to deal with some servers; disable with SECUREHELLO=0.


April 2010

Silence some spurious screen output during appending operations.



Add the PASSWORD decryption option.



Add SECURE configuration option for SSL/TLS and STARTTLS connections.