
Updated April 2013; see History

These two PopupMenu system commands are used to export the contents of the tree to a delimited file:



The first exports the tree to CSV, the second to a tab delimited file (i.e. Tab Separated Values). To automatically open the file after exporting (i.e. to launch your registered spreadsheet program), append "+" to the $EXPCSV or $EXPTSV options, e.g.:




As an alternative to adding explicit export options to each XTREE, you can enable them globally by adding one or both of the following to the miame.ini:




To globally set the option to launch after exporting, add the following:


The text for these automatically-added context menu options will be taken from SYS:SBRMSG.xxx lines 026,001 and 026,002, which default to the following (for the English version):

026,001,Export (CSV)

026,002,Export (Tab Delimited)

So the above three SBR= commands would be equivalent to adding the following PopupMenu clause to the zero column of each tree:

"PopupMenu=Export (CSV),$EXPCSV+;Export (Tab Delimited),$EXPTSV+"

Note that whenever a PopupMenu option containing a command string starting with "$EXP" appears explicitly in an XTREE definition, the corresponding global options will be ignored for that tree. (This allows you to customize the global option in particular cases and eliminates the problem of redundant menu options in programs where you already implemented the option explicitly.)

You can also disable the global option by adding a dummy PopupMenu item with a "-" in front of the $EXP... command, e.g.


The description field ("xxx" in the above example) is ignored (since the whole point of the "-$EXPCSV" is to remove the corresponding item from menu).


2013 April, A-Shell 6.1.1350:  CSV export now uses the list separator defined in the regional/locale settings, rather than comma. And the default file extension for TAB export is now CSV.

2013 April: A-Shell 6.1.1349:  Hidden columns are no longer included in the export. This refers to columns that either have the H cformat flag, or which have been reduced to zero width. Columns that are simply scrolled out of view are not considered hidden.

2012 December, A-Shell 6.1.1326:  Function added to A-Shell