FIXTRN {ifx | vux | <name.pfk>} {switches}

The FIXTRN command performs the functions of the AMOS FIXTRN and SET PFK commands, allowing you to create and edit both types of function key translation tables.




Puts FIXTRN into decimal mode, facilitating the entry and display of binary translations.


Writes switch listing and usage info to the screen.


The "traditional" types of function key translation table (such as those used by VUE and INFLD) have names that match the terminal driver, with the extension indicating the application. Thus AM62A.IFX would by the translation table for AM62A drivers when running INFLD. PCTDV.VUX would be for PCTDV terminal drivers when running VUE. These files are compatible between AMOS and A-Shell. The main difference is that under A-Shell, they are always loaded automatically from the LIB: account on disk, whereas under AMOS, you may need to load them explicitly into system or user memory. To create or edit a function key translation table for VUE or INFLD, use FIXTRN followed by "IFX" for the INFLD translation table or "VUX" for the VUE translation table, e.g.:


   Editing function key translation file: LIB:PCTDV.IFX


It will automatically invoke the file for the current terminal driver (PCTDV in the example above) and automatically reference the LIB: directory.

To create or edit a PFK-style function key table (one that can be used in any application and which can be manually loaded and deleted from user memory to override any other translations), specify a filename with a .PFK extension, e.g.:


   Editing function key translation file: PILAR.PFK


In this case, it will not put the file in the LIB: directory, since PFK files must be loaded manually, and thus can exist anywhere.

The procedure for editing either type of file is the same (since internally, they are the same format). You start by specifying a special key to be used as the delimiter. Pick one that is not needed in any of your translations, perhaps \. For example:

Enter special delimiter key (cannot be used in a translation):\


Hit a function key (or special delimiter to exit): [181]

   Current Translation: HELLO^M

   Update? [y/N] Y

   Enter new translation: LOG GL:^MRUN GLMENU^M


In the above example, we hit the F1 key. The program then echoes the numeric value returned by the terminal driver for that key ([181]) and displays the current translation string, if there is one. In the above example, the previous translation was "HELLO" followed by the Enter key (Ctrl+M). It then gives you the option of updating the translation. In the above example, we changed the translation to LOG GL: < Enter > followed by RUN GLMENU < Enter >. It then loops back to ask for a new key. When you are done examining or defining translations, hit the delimiter key one more time, which will cause it to save the file in the current directory:

Hit a function key (or special delimiter to exit):

   Outputting updated PILAR.PFK...

   537 bytes output.


To use the translations, use LOAD to load the file into memory:


Having done this, you can now hit the F1 key and it will act as if you typed the two commands LOG GL: and RUN GLMENU.

You can use the MAP command to check if there is a PFK file currently loaded, and DEL to remove it from memory:


Loaded private function key table: PILAR.PFK

Free       694863



PILAR.PFK deleted from memory

IFX and VUX modules reset


For more information on function keys and translation tables, see Function Key Translations.