Icon Library

MicroSabio provides an icon library in the file ashico1.dll, which contains the icons shown and listed below. These have been purchased by MicroSabio so they can be used, royalty-free, by A-Shell developers. While these icons are free to use, most icons are copyrighted and/or licensed and should not be used without the explicit permission of their owner. Icon collections, such as MicroSabio's, are available for purchase from many icon vendors and developers.

The library may be displayed with the sample program ICODLG, which makes use of the subroutine BTNMENU.SBX. Both files may be found in the SOSLIB. A text listing of the available icons is given after the images.

As attested to by the following historical notes, the icons have changed over the years in order to stay aesthetically compatible with the latest versions of Windows.


2011 March, A-Shell 5.1.1208:  The standard icon set, housed in ashico1.dll, has been replaced with a new version containing "Vista-style" versions of the same icons. The new icons, which were previously available in ashico1v.dll, are quite similar to the old ones, but have a slightly enhanced style, presumably more aesthetically compatible with Vista and Windows 7. The old icon set has been renamed to ashico1x.dll, and will remain available for manual download on our website. The two dlls are otherwise identical, so they can be substituted for each other by just renaming the dll.

2008 October, A-Shell 5.1.1127:  A first attempt at updating the ashico1.dll icon library to Vista has been made in the form of a new ashico1v.dll module. The new module has the same set of icon names, but most of them have been upgraded to "Vista style". The degree of backwards compatibility to XP and before has not yet been adequately tested. A new version of the icon display program, ICODLG[907,27] has been created under the name ICODLGV for testing.

   this is a linked image

   this is a linked image

   this is a linked image

icolib4   this is a linked image

Here is a listing of the icons' names, grouped by category where appropriate.


about, add, add2, copy, cut, delete, delete2, door, door2, edit, error, exchange, exit, export1t, first_aid, fit_to_size, font, forbidden, garbage, help, help2, history, import1, information, music, paste, printer3, preferences, question and answer, redo, refresh, replace, replace2, signpost, star_blue, stop, transform, transform2, undo, unknown, view, warning


down_blue,  left_blue, right_blue, down_green, left_green, right_green, up_blue, up_green,


add, delete, down, new, up


check, check2, checks


disk_blue, error, ok, warn


add , certified, chart, check, cup, edit, error, exchange, find, heart, info, lock, ok, out, preferences, text, view, documents


find, again, next, previous, text


folder, folder_add


gear, error, ok, pause, refresh, stop, time, gears


off, on,


beginning, end, fast_foward, pause, play, play_green, rewind, step_back, step_forward, stop, stop_red


beginning, up, up2, left, left2, end, down, down2, right, right2


notebook, notebook_preferences


portrait, scenery


text, bold, find, italics, normal, speaker, tree, underline


colors, environment, gear, preferences


in, out