Icons: Static vs. Button

The distinctions between icons implemented as static controls (MBF_STATIC + MBF_ICON) and those implemented as buttons (MBF_BUTTON + MBF_ICON) are summarized here:

• Icons on buttons are scaled to the size of the button, whereas icons in static controls display in their "natural" size (which in most cases is 32x32 pixels, although on an extremely low res or high res screen, or if you tinker with the Windows system parameters, it may be as small as 16x16 or as big as 64x64). Although the icon size (for static controls) is not affected by the erow and ecol parameters, we recommend setting them equal to srow and scol.

• Only buttons can load icons from individual files, whereas only static controls can load them from the internal system resources (e.g. "#INFO"). Either type of icon can load the image from a DLL.

• Static controls, including icons, may have click actions defined, but they cannot get the focus while waiting in the EVENTWAIT routine.