Added April 2014
These are analogous to the existing ++IFDEF, ++IFNDEF, and ++ELIFDEF statements, as well as ++IFMAP, ++IFNMAP and ++ELIFMAP, except that instead of referring to defined symbols or mapped variables, they refer to labels—used by GOTO and GOSUB—as well as procedure and function names. Note however that when the specified label is meant to refer to a function or procedure name, it must be terminated by an empty pair of parentheses. For example:
++MESSAGE The label MAIN is defined
++MESSAGE The procedure MAIN() is defined
++ELIF fn'main()
++MESSAGE The function fn'main() is defined
Also note that labels, like variable names, are case sensitive, unless you compile with the /CI switch.
2014 April, A-Shell 6.1.1382, compiler edit 655: add all three statements to A-Shell