Later versions of INFLD.SBR, and the C version used in A-Shell, output spaces to blank the fringe of comma-formatted numeric input types, dependent on the input size, decimal point specification, and so on. The old AlphaACCOUNTING INPUT.SBR routine (and very early versions of INFLD.SBR) were not so intelligent about this matter. For comma-formatted types (specifically $ type financial fields), they just output 3 blanking spaces regardless of field size. To accommodate older software, the INFLDB3 code has been implemented. If specified, INFLD.SBR will blank 3 spaces for comma formatted fields (‘M’, ‘$’ and ‘H’) to the right or left according to justification. Otherwise the number of spaces to blank will be determined exactly as a function of field size. Note that INFLD "prehistoric compatibility mode," which causes to INFLD to mimic nearly all of INPUT.SBR’s shortcomings and idiosyncrasies, (and which can be invoked with SBR=INFDEF:|p) will also accomplish this effect.