Literal backslash

Updated March 2011

cformat switch:  \

The backslash may be used to declare that a backslash within the column should be treated as a normal character, rather than as the start of hidden text (as would otherwise be the case when in file mode). Note that using the \ type on any column effectively turns it on for all columns.


2008 July, A-Shell 5.1.1119:  The determination of whether a "\" marks the beginning of hidden text in XTREE has been improved for array-mode trees. Previously, unless one of the columns specified the cformat code "\", all backslash characters were considered as the start of hidden text (from there to the end of the row). This was taking people by surprise, especially when the backslash occurred in an editable column (like in a filespec). The new rule is that a backslash will be treated as a literal character if ANY of the following is true:

• The cformat code "\" is present for any column (as before).

• The backslash occurs prior to the last physical column in the array data (without regard to the order in which the logical columns are defined).

• The last physical column is editable.

2005 October, A-Shell 4.9.945:  switch added to A-Shell