MALLOCLIMIT=<size in bytes>
The MALLOCLIMIT statement is useful for changing the default dynamic memory allocation limit of 8MB. This mainly affects sorting, which, if the SBR=MALLOCSORT option is specified (which see), can allocate (and take advantage) of large amounts of memory. A situation where you might want to increase the limit would be under Windows (where you probably have huge amounts of physical memory per workstation) if you were sorting files larger than 8MB. For example, if you were often sorting files of up to 32MB in size, setting the MALLOCLIMIT to 32M would make sure sorts run many times faster. A situation where you might want to decrease the default MALLOCLIMIT would be on a large, older, multi-user UNIX system where memory might be a bit tight. Although any memory allocated for sorting would be released back to the system pool as soon as the sort was complete, UNIX systems often will delay making the memory available to another process until the situation becomes desperate. (This is based on the historical case where UNIX processes tended to be short-lived, and thus efficiencies could be gained by delaying all memory cleanup until the process exited.)
The MALLOCLIMIT limit will also affect the size of the largest file that can be brought entirely into memory by the VUE editor.
Note that the limit is stored as a 32 bit unsigned variable in units of bytes, so it will wrap back to zero at 4096M. Thus the maximum value is 4095M.