MIAMEX 12: Get A-Shell version

xcall MIAMEX, MX_GETVER, verstr$ {,vmajor, vminor, vedit, vpatch, {ate'vmajor, ate'vminor, ate'vedit, ate'vpatch}}

MX_GETVER returns the current version of A-Shell and, optionally, the individual parts of the version number; and, also optionally and in applicable situations, components of the ATE version number. The version parameter should be a string or unformatted variable large enough to hold the return string (i.e. mapped at least 28 characters), which is in the format: A-Shell version #.#(###). The optional parameters are numeric values; B,1 will work for all except vedit, which should be at least B,2.

The ATE-related parameters have the same format as the corresponding non-ATE parameters. If ATE is not applicable to the current call, those parameters will be returned as 0.

Use GETVER.SBR to return the version of the currently running BASIC program.

Sample return values:

VERSTR$ : "A-Shell Version 5.0.979.9"



VEDIT   : 979