xcall MIAMEX, MX_ASHFILE, startcmd {,ashfile, ashexe}
MX_ASHFILE returns various parts of the command line with which the current session of A-Shell was launched.
startcmd (String) [out]
Returns the initial A-Shell command line, i.e. the part of the overall command line by which A-Shell was launched, that was left to process when it first gets to the dot prompt. If A-Shell was launched without specifying a startup command, the default is "astart."
ashfile (String) [out]
For Windows, returns the name of the settings (.ash) file that was specified on the ashw32 command line (-o parameter). For UNIX, returns a null string.
ashexe (String) [out]
Returns the ashell executable name, as specified in the command line. This may, or may not be fully qualified, depending on what was specified in the launch command line. Under UNIX, likely possibilities are "ashell" or "/vm/miame/ashell." Under Windows, a likely possibility is "c:\vm\miame\bin\ashw32.exe."
Original command line (UNIX): ./ashell -i /vm/miame/miame.ini main.cmd
startcmd: "main.cmd"
ashfile: ""
ashexe: "./ashell"
Original command line (Windows): c:\vm\miame\bin\ashw32.exe -i c:\vm\miame\miame.ini -o c:\vm\miame\custom.ash main.cmd
startcmd: "main.cmd"
ashfile: "c:\vm\miame\custom.ash"
ashexe: "c:\vm\miame\bin\ashw32.exe"