MIAMEX 63: Load PFK file

xcall MIAMEX, MX_SETPFK, pfkspec {,status)

MX_SETPFK loads a private (PFK-style) function key translation module into memory. Unlike the IFX and VUX translation tables, which are named after the terminal driver and loaded by default, a PFK-style translation table may have any name (with a PFK extension). When loaded, such a translation table will override any existing translations in the IFX file. Thus, they are handy for loading translations that are specific to a particular program or perhaps even a particular user.

pfkspec (Num) must contain the file specification of a translation table created by FIXTRN which has a PFK extension (e.g. "MYDIR:ABCDE.PFK").

status (Num) will be set to 0 on success, or 1 if the file was not found

Use FIXTRN <name>.PFK to create a PFK style translation table. You can also use LOAD <name>.PFK to load it into memory, and DEL to delete it. To delete it within a program, use MIAMEX 109: Delete module from memory.