MIAMEX 80: Get XCALL param info

xcall MIAMEX, MX_XCBINFOX, xcbadr, xcbcnt, xcbstructx

MX_XCBINFO is needed at the start of an SBX subroutine to retrieve information about the parameters which were passed to the subroutine. Because every subroutine needs this information, the XCALL.BSI file which is included by every subroutine includes a call to this function.


xcbadr  (Num)

must be set to the address of the parameter structure. This value is passed on the command line to the SBX routine.

xcbcnt  (Num)

returns the number of parameters passed.


is a structure containing information about the parameters, mapped as follows:


MAP2 XCBSTRUCT(20)         ! up to 20 parameters

   MAP3 XCB'PTYPE,b,2     ! 0=X, 2=S, 4=F, 6=B, +8=array)

   MAP3 XCB'PSIZE,b,2     ! size of parameter


Refer to the documentation on writing subroutines for more information on this and related MIAMEX functions.