
mstatus(signed numeric, out, optional) returns a code indicating the result of the operation:




OK, or for opcode 2 indicates item was previously enabled


OK, or for opcode 2 indicates item was previously disabled


Add or delete menu function failed


Menu (mnutxt) not found during change or delete operation


Out of memory (unable to allocate menu storage buffers)


Exceeded maximum number of added menu items (currently 125)


No menu buffer allocated


Illegal opcode


Menu (mnutxt) already exists


Menuid not found


ATE failed to respond to the server request within the normal time limit


If the mstatus parameter is omitted, or passed as a null string (if mapped, must be S,1), then no status will be returned. This will provide a speed improvement when setting up a lot of menu items (particularly over ATE), and is recommended especially if you aren't even bothering to check the returned status value anyway.

The normal time limit for a response from ATE is five seconds for most commands, ten to fifteen seconds for a few. Sometimes commands that "should" respond almost instantly will take a long time, either because ATE is "locked up", or there is some other Windows hang-up, such as waiting on "elevation" or some other critical event. In such cases, we return -15 to indicate time out.