Updated September 2013
xcall AUI, AUI_IMAGE, IMGOP_LOADDISP, handle, status, srow, scol, erow, ecol, flags, filename {,pageno}
IMGOP_LOADDISP combines opcodes 1 (Load) and 3 (Display) to save you a step. Note that like opcode 1, it leaves the image in memory, so you can later redisplay it using just opcode 3. caution: table is duplicated in ashev GDI Printing //image; update there if you update here.
Symbol |
Value |
Description |
&h001 |
Use halftone print method. |
&h002 |
Use scatter print method. |
&h004 |
Stretch image to fit bounding rectangle. Otherwise retain aspect ratio, meaning the image will likely be smaller than the rectangle in one of the two dimensions. |
&h008 |
Interpolate—i.e., use hq scaling. |
&h010 |
(ATE) Force image filespec to be treated as relative to the host and transfer it to the client. Applies to IMGOP_LOAD and IMGOP_LOADDISP. See Transfer of Server-Side Images. |
2013 September, A-Shell 6.1.1362: Added pageno to specify the page number of a multi-page TIF to display. The first page is considered 1. 0 is also treated as 1. Note that in order for this feature to be used with ATE, both server and client must be on A-Shell 6.1.1362.0 or later.