Open and Display

Updated September 2013

xcall AUI, AUI_IMAGE, IMGOP_LOADDISP, handle, status, srow, scol, erow, ecol, flags, filename {,pageno}

IMGOP_LOADDISP combines opcodes 1 (Load) and 3 (Display) to save you a step. Note that like opcode 1, it leaves the image in memory, so you can later redisplay it using just opcode 3. caution: table is duplicated in ashev GDI Printing //image; update there if you update here.






Use halftone print method.



Use scatter print method.



Stretch image to fit bounding rectangle. Other­wise retain aspect ratio, meaning the image will likely be smaller than the rectangle in one of the two dimensions.



Interpolate—i.e., use hq scaling.



(ATE) Force image filespec to be treated as relative to the host and transfer it to the client. Applies to IMGOP_LOAD and IMGOP_LOADDISP. See Transfer of Server-Side Images.



2013 September, A-Shell 6.1.1362:  Added pageno to specify the page number of a multi-page TIF to display. The first page is considered 1. 0 is also treated as 1. Note that in order for this feature to be used with ATE, both server and client must be on A-Shell 6.1.1362.0 or later.