Page Breaks

Hard page breaks are represented by ASCII 12 characters (chr$(12) or Ctrl+L). Depending on the text editing software (e.g. VUE, EZTYP, WORD, NOTEPAD, XTEXT, etc.) these hard page breaks may display in different ways, from a cryptic "garbage character" (often appearing as a small box) to a row of ^^^^ to a graphic line with the words "Page Break" in the middle. XTEXT will normally use the latter approach, except for two situations:

• If the ASCII 12 character is not on a line by itself, it will appear as a small rectangular symbol rather than a formal ("pretty") page break unless you set the TXF_WRAP bit in the flags parameter. If you do not really want any lines to be automatically wrapped, then you can set the txc'wrapwidth field to a sufficiently large number, say 500, so that you do not get any unwanted line wraps. Note that when you specify a non-zero txc'wrapwidth value, it does not make sense to specify the TXC_FITVIEW or TXC_PRINTVIEW flags.

• If you set the TXC_READONLY flag, ASCII 12 characters will appear as a small rectangular symbol rather than a "pretty" page break, unless you set the &h02000000 flag in the txc'flags1 parameter. (You might just want to make that a default setting.)