Phone number or zip code input

[ Type code = P ] If xmax = 7 or 10, specifies phone number and allows alpha and numeric entry. Must be either 0, 7 or 10 characters. Redisplayed as "(###) ###-####" with the area code omitted if only 7 digits entered. If xmax = 5 or 9, specifies zip code and allows numeric entry only. Must be either 0, 5 or 9 characters. Redisplayed as "#####-####", with the dash and last 4 digits used only if more than 5 digits entered. Note that this field ignores the language definition file, since there is no guarantee that the phone # or zip being entered actually belongs to the language of the current user. One solution is to prompt for the country first, and then if it is not USA, use alternate type codes for zip and phone.