PopupMenu Sub-Menus

Added January 2017

Beginning with A-Shell 6.3.1542 of January 2017, the XTREE PopupMenu supports sub-menus. The syntax is the same as for Hover/Context menus, i.e. set the cmd field (of the text,cmd; menu item pair) to "[SUB]" to mark the beginning of the submenu, and the text field of a subsequent item to "[ENDSUB]" to mark the end of the submenu. For example:

coldef$ += "0~0~ ~SH~PopupMenu=" &

    + "!Retire\tF2,VK_xF501;" &

    + "|arrow_right_green::ashico1|Peacetime,[SUB];" &

         + "|photo_portrait::ashico1|Visit\tF3,VK_xF502;" &

         + "|signpost::ashico1|Pass Through,VK_xF503;" &

         + "[ENDSUB],;" &

        + "-----,;" &

    + "|gear::ashico1|Wartime,[SUB];" &

        + "Attack,VK_xF504;Lay Siege,VK_x507;" &

        + "[ENDSUB],;" &

    + "-----,;" &



The codeabove defines a PopupMenu which looks something like this:

        Retire      F2               (disabled item)

        Peacetime                    (submenu with icon)

              Visit        F3        (submenu item with icon)

              Pass Through           (submenu item with icon)

        ---------------------        (separator)

        Wartime                      (submenu with icon)

              Attack                 (submenu item)

              Lay Siege              (submenu item)

        ---------------------        (separator)
