Pop-up Utilities

Another unusual feature implemented only in the A-Shell version of INFLD is the pop-up utility command. This command will launch a new session directly on top of the existing one and start it running BAS:ASHPOP.RUN, which is intended to be a small pop-up utility (or menu of utilities). The command itself is defined and activated by means of the type code string |Px (where x is the command letter to be combined with the Control key). For example, if type contained |P] then Ctrl+] would launch the ASHPOP utility. A-Shell is released with a sample ASHPOP that displays a simple menu of two choices, one of which then refers to another utility, ASHCAL, a simple calculator. The source for both can be found in DSK0:[7,376] As an added convenience, the calculator will write the accumulated result to a file MEM0:<jobnam>.CLP[1,1] if you exit with Tab, and INFLD will pick up the results from that file and load it into the current field. This of course requires that the disk device MEM0: be defined and that a ppn [1,1] exists. If you want this feature available all the time, then add the type code to the default string in miame.ini (e.g. SBR=INFDEF:|P]. You may want define a control key other than Ctrl+] though, since Ctrl+] is the terminator key for some telnet utilities.

A number of differences between the two versions can be .adjusted by means of SBR statements in the miame.ini file|topic=SBR.

If your application was previously using INPUT.SBR, and you want to preserve all of the idiosyncrasies of INPUT.SBR, then use SBR=INFDEF:|p in the miame.ini file to invoke "prehistoric compatibility mode."