xcall PUTBYT, channel, buffer, bytes

PUTBYT.SBR writes raw bytes to a sequential output file.


channel  (Num)  [in]

is the channel number of the file, which must be open for output or append.

buffer  (Raw)  [in]

supplies the data to be written.

bytes  (Num)  [in]

specifies the number of bytes to write (which must be less than or equal to the size of buffer).


xcall PUTBYT, channel, buffer, bytes

is equivalent to

PRINT #channel, buffer[1,bytes];

See Also



2006 February, A-Shell 4.9.950:  PUTBYT.SBR now supports channel 0 to output to the terminal device. This can be useful (mainly under UNIX) if you need to output raw binary data to the terminal and want to be sure there is no filtering and do not want it to corrupt the screen map. Otherwise, typically you get Tab expansion (unless OPTIONS=RAWTABS), and CR is always prepended to line LF characters.