Added October 2016

RUN <program-spec>

RUN loads the specified program into memory and starts the runtime interpreter executing it.



an unqualified (e.g. PROG), partially or fully-qualified specification of a compiled A-ShellBASIC program file.


The file extension defaults to RUN if not specified. If the path is not specified, the search path starts in the current directory, then the [p,0] directory, then DSK0:[7,6] (aka BAS: ).

RUN file names, like other A-Shell filenames, are typically limited to ten characters, not counting the extension. And the RUN file locations are normally specified using AMOS-style notation, although as of 6.3.1530.0, you can use native-style file specifications as long as they are quoted. For example:




.RUN "/vm/miame/dsk0/077077/"


Regardless of whether the path is fully specified, RUN first checks to see if the <file>.RUN is loaded into memory (see LOAD.LIT). RUN programs loaded explicitly using LOAD.LIT will remain in memory; otherwise they are removed from memory on completion.

Compiled SBX subroutines (see Subroutines vs. BASIC programs -!subroutinesvsbasicprograms.htm) have the same internal format as regular programs and thus may be run by the RUN command, provided you specify the .SBX extension, e.g.


Note that most SBX routines do not make sense to execute this way, but there is no technical obstacle to creating an SBX routine that can be executed both by RUN from the command prompt as well as by XCALL from within a program.


2016 October, A-Shell 6.3.1530:  quoted native filespecs now supported with RUN, e.g. .RUN "/vm/miame/webcache/"