Here is a program called "Hello" whose purpose is to print the phrase "Hello World":
PRINT "Hello World"
The program must exist first as a text file, typically with a BAS or BP extension, created in any text editor such as VUE or APN. Assuming the file is assigned the name HELLO.BAS, it can be compiled from the A-Shell dot prompt as follows:
The compiler responds:
Phase 1 - Parse source and generate object code
Phase 2 - Adjust object file and process errors
Memory usage:
Total work space - 18600 bytes
Label symbol tree - 16 bytes
Variable symbol tree - 20 bytes
Declaration tree - 16 bytes
Structure symbol tree - 16 bytes
Data statement pool - 0 bytes
Variable indexing area - 0 bytes
Compiler work stack - 16 bytes
Excess available memory - 1911620 bytes
End of compilation
The compiled program will typically have a .RUN extension, can be seen and manipulated with file commands such as DIR, SIZE, COPY, etc., and can be executed with the RUN command. For example:
Size is 56 bytes
Hello World