Stack Overflow

Reviewed January 2009

This is equivalent to BASIC Error 33, and is a special case of the more general Out of memory error.

The A-Shell stack occupies the free memory space within the user partition, and is used for local variables (within functions and procedures) as well as for working copies of variables involved in expression evaluation. The error is typically caused by one of the following three conditions:

  The memory partition is simply too small to accommodate the program. In this case, it is equivalent to the Out of memory error; in fact, the same situation might result in either error, depending on whether the lack of memory is noticed at the start of a BASIC instruction or in the middle of it.

  You've exceeded the number of open files defined by the FILES system parameter statement.

  The program has an infinite recursive loop (such as a function that calls itself). The only solution for this is to fix the logic error.