Added August 2013

INFLD enhancement: new structure ST_INFCLRX (defined in INFLD.SDF) may be used in place of the INFCLR parameter to define arbitrary foreground and background (RGB) colors that will be used by INFLD when displaying and optionally when editing the field. The structure format is as follows:

defstruct ST_INFCLRX

    map2 sig,s,2       ! must be set to "x1" to activate

    map2 flags,b,2     ! INFCLRXF_EDTCLR (=1) to use d?rgb for edit also

    map2 dfrgb,b,4     ! display foreground

    map2 dbrgb,b,4     ! display background




• The sig member must be set to "x1" or the structure will be ignored. It allows A-Shell to distinguish between the ST_INFCLRX structure and the old INFCLR structure, which is still supported. You may set it to "" if you are passing the new structure but want to continue to use the default color logic.

• The d?rgb colors are used when INFLD displays the field, either after or instead of editing, and also when "editing" read-only fields. In addition, they will be used for editing other field types if the flags member is set to INFCLRXF_EDTCLR (1).

• To override only the background or only the foreground color, set the other color field to -2.

• In the ATE environment, both server and client sides must be updated to 6.1.1360.2+ for this to work. Otherwise it will revert to the old behavior of using default colors.

• The new structure is intended for the GUI environment; for text mode programs, you should stick with the old INFCLR structure.