STRIPFF = <Boolean>
This option was added to deal with a peculiar artifact of many AMOS reports: a form feed at the beginning of the print file. Under AMOS, the spooler had a feature to ignore such a leading form feed character if the last character received, at the end of the previous print request, was also a form feed. This apparently helped deal with a situation in which some reports may have ended in mid-page, without advancing to the top of form. This concept, however, is unheard of in the world of Windows and UNIX/Linux (where the underlying printing philosophy is that each print job should stand entirely on its own, and not be affected or influenced by previous print jobs.) So, to avoid getting an extra blank page at the start of reports that have such a leading form feed character, you can either adjust your program to remove the extra form feed, or add STRIPFF=ON to your printer initialization file.