Updated May 2014; see History

TELNET <connection'name>

(Windows only) TELNET launches ATE (the A-Shell Terminal Emulator) to establish a session with the specified connection. The connection name must have been previously defined using ATECFG (which see).

You can terminate the session either from the remote host (i.e. by logging out) or by entering |d (vertical bar, D).

TELNET also supports an ATEAUTH.SBX hook, allowing you to preconfigure aspects of the connection properties before the dialog is displayed or the connection takes place. If ATEAUTH.SBX exists in the %MIAME%\DSK0\007006 directory, it will be called via:

xcall ATEAUTH, connection'name, status


connection'name  (String)  [in]

is the name of the connection configuration.

status  (Num)  [out]

may be set to a non-zero value by the SBX to abort the connection. It is pre-cleared, so the SBX doesn't need to update it unless it wants to abort.


2014 May, A-Shell 6.1.1385, TELNET.LIT 2.1(142):  Added the ATEAUTH.SBX hook.

2008 December, A-Shell 5.1.1131, TELNET.LIT 2.0(135):  now uses AG_WINSETTINGS to reload the window settings after you select a connection profile, allowing the previously saved settings from that connection to be restored. Previously, the session saved settings were not being restored unless you used a desktop shortcut that explicitly specified the connection profile name (so it would bypass the dialog allowing you to select a connection.)