Updated December 2013; see History

//TEXTCENTER, left, top, right, bottom, text

TEXTCENTER outputs a line of text, positioning it in the center of the specified rectangular coordinates. TEXTCENTER also supports embedded entity references.


Left, top, right, bottom

Specify the respective sides of the bounding rectangle, in the current mapping units. Note that if the rectangle has no height (bottom >= top) then the text is vertically positioned based on the top parameter and the current SETTEXTALIGN setting. Otherwise, it is not affected by SETTEXTALIGN.


A string of text to output, up to a maximum of 512 characters (after expansion of any variables). TEXTCENTER does not require quoting of the text argument if it contains commas, although quoting is allowed and recommended.

See TEXTRECTANGLE for a more powerful variation of outputting text within a rectangular area.


2013 December, A-Shell 1370:  An unmatched leading quote is now treated as a literal character. Previously it was stripped.

2012 November, A-Shell 6.0.1263:  TEXTCENTER now supports embedded entity references; previously these were only processed by TEXTOUT and for raw text.