
Added Feburary 2011

ToolTip=<tooltip text>

The limit on text size for any one tooltip is 1023 bytes.

For all trees excluding property sheets, the tooltip will display when the mouse hovers over the column header and the tree is not currently editing a cell. (During cell editing, the only tree-related tooltip that will appear is the tooltip for that cell.)

For property sheets, when not actively editing a cell, tooltips will display when the mouse hovers over a cell whose logical "column" has a tooltip. As with case above, during cell editing, the only tooltip display will be for the cell being edited.

Known limitations:

• Tooltips do not display while "editing" a checkbox or radio button cell.

• There is no way to associate a tooltip with row headers.


February 2011, A-Shell 5.1.1205:  Function added to A-Shell