Updated  January 2013; see History

xcall USPSBS, trackstr, routestr, barstr, status

USPSBS.SBR creates an encoded bar string for the US Post Office intelligent bar codes.


trackstr  (String, 21)  [in]

tracking string

routestr  (String, 12)  [in]

route string

barstr  (String, 66)  [out]

returned encoded bar string. It is a character format equivalent of the graphic bar code, designed to be easy to convert to the graphic format. See the documentation on the USPS web page for specifications.

status  (F)  [out]

returned status code per the following table:






Parameter error


Unable to load USPS4CB.DLL


Unable to locate the USPS4CB() function


Not supported on current platform


invalid trackstr and/or routestr



The file USPS4CB.DLL is available from the US Postal Service's Intelligent Mail Barcode Resource Download Site and must be saved somewhere in the path or in the A-Shell bin directory.

See the publications on the above web site for details on creating the trackstr and routestr values.

See the EXLIB directory [908,52] for sample and test programs.


2013 January, A-Shell 6.1.1331:  support added for Linux (routine previously was for Windows only)

2011 January, A-Shell 5.1.1201:  added to A-Shell