Warning: instance already exists for [??????] - over-writing

A-Shell stores user information for each session or instance of A-Shell in the JOBTBL.SYS file. This warning means that an entry already exists in the queue file with the same unique identifier as the one now being used. The most common cause of this is that your last session of A-Shell ended in an unclean manner, for example if the PC crashed or hung in a network situation. In these cases, the message is for information only, and can be ignored. If the warning persists, or recurs regularly when all sessions end cleanly, then the unique identifiers need to be checked. Under UNIX, check the CONSOLE and TRMDEF commands for correctness. In a PC network situation, check that unique NetBIOS names have been assigned to each workstation. Also, attempting to use a standalone, 1-node license version of A-Shell in a networked environment will cause this error, and A-Shell will fail.