Write protected error (BASIC Error 24)

This error (or a variation of it, such as "Access Denied") will occur if you do not have write permission for the file or directory you are trying to write to. One cause of this is copying files from a CD. (Files on a CD often have the read-only attribute set, and some methods of copying files under Windows may not clear that bit.) If there are just a few files affected, then you can fix them (under Windows) by locating them in Explorer, right clicking, and clearing the read-only check mark. This is not convenient if you have many files with the problem. In that case, open a Command Prompt (aka "DOS") window, use the CD command to change to the proper directory, and use the ATTRIB –R command. (This will clear the read-only flag on all the files and subdirectories within the current directory.) Repeat this for all the affected directories.

If the problem occurs under UNIX/Linux, then login in as root (or use the su command), cd to the relevant directory, then use chmod –R +w * (or some variation of the chmod command, such as chmod 666 to reset the privileges for one or all of the affected files. Refer to File Ownership and Privileges in Installation for further information.