Added June 2011
This flag causes the tree control to be created as a popup rather than as a child control. This is mainly useful when creating an XTREE in the main window (rather than in a dialog) that may overlap other controls, and where you want those other controls to remain visible. Normally, XTREE will save and then remove any overlapping controls when it is displayed in a main window, because otherwise those controls may "bleed" through (interfering with the visual and operation aspects of the XTREE control). The feature was added primarily to improve compatibility with the text mode of PCKLST when it is used to create multiple overlapping "pick lists". That always worked fine in text mode; now it works fine in GUI mode as well.
The flag is defined in XTREE.DEF as:
define XTF2_POPUP = &h00010000 ! implement as popup rather than child
Note that the new mode constrains some of the more advanced behaviors of XTREE, so it should probably only be used in simple "pick lists" (as you have when XTREE is called by PCKLST). In particular, popup mode is incompatible with editable tree mode.
2011 June, A-Shell 5.1.1221: Added to A-Shell