Added November 2013
You may display and edit non-Latin1 characters (Cyrillic, Greek, Korean, etc.) in XTREE by specifying the XTF2_UTF8 flag and then using the UTF8 encoding for special characters in the data array, file, and/or ansary. If you don't specify the XTF2_UTF8 flag, XTREE will assume that any characters > chr(128) are Latin1-encoded (as it has in the past).
Note: the column widths specified in the coldef parameter remain in units of 8-bit bytes, so if you expect a column to contain UTF8-multi-byte-encoded characters, make sure to expand the column width accordingly.
See the EXLIB sample program XUTF8A.BP.
2013 October, A-Shell 1365: Flag added to A-Shell