Updated May 2014

xcall XTREE, Srow, Scol, Answer, Array, Itemcount, Coldef, Exitcode {Erow, Ecol, Flags, File, Mmoclr {,Xtrctl, Filidx, Xinfo}}

XTREE.SBR is a full-fledged implementation of a Windows "tree" control, supporting multiple columns and multiple levels of rows. The name "tree" comes from the ability to create a branching hierarchy of items, which at each level can be collapsed and expanded. Windows Explorer, for example, is essentially a tree control.

For examples of the results produced by XTREE, and to get an idea of how XTREE has been used by various developers and for different purposes, see the online MicroSabio gallery of XTREE images.

For information on the differences between PCKLST and XTREE, and how PCKLST/XTREE handles text versus GUI issues, see the note on those subjects in XTREE Miscellaneous Notes.