Added November 2007

This option invokes a variation of the APEX Print/Preview facility to allow the contents of the specified XTREE to be printed, with an initial print preview mode. Sample image here.

Unfortunately this cannot be invoked in such a way as to allow the XTREE data to be merged with other application-generated data in the same report, but may still be a useful utility function. Note that you can also invoke the operation from the special control dialog reachable via Ctrl+Shift+Double-Right-Click.


Normally, XTROP_PRINT is used to print an existing TREE control, which is referenced via the XTR'CTLNO parameter. In this case, the print-related options will already have been established when the tree was created, and the coldef parameter passed with the XTROP_PRINT call will not be processed. Thus, any print-related flags such as XTF2_LANDSCAPE, and coldef options, such as Title need to be established when the tree is created, not when it is printed.

If you want to adjust the tree configuration prior to printing, it is best to set XTR’CTLNO to -1 to create a new instance of the control just for printing. In this case, all of the parameters will be processed, just as they would with XTROP_CREATE. This method requires 5.1.1156+.

The printing logic ignores columns that do not fit within the width of the page. (In order to print additional columns, you would need to recreate the tree using the technique mentioned above, with alternate column layouts.)

To adjust the page headers and footers when printing from XTREE, see the Advanced Coldef Options topics "Footer" and "Title.".


2007 November, A-Shell 5.1.1100:  Added to A-Shell